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Our USA sales partner Ecoverse Industries Ltd. and its local dealer Modern Tech Equipment hosted an impressive machine demonstration - with success.

The St. Louis Composting and Organics site rarely receives as many visitors and attention as it did on this day in mid-March. Around 60 customers were invited to see on site how twelve machines, including our high-performance shredders Inventhor Type 6 and Type 9, an AK 640 and two screening machines (SM 720 K and SM 726), demonstrated their efficiency. The performance was impressive, the machines processed various stocks of logs, wood waste, green waste, and compost, giving the audience a real impression of their capacity. Before each demonstration, the audience also received a detailed introduction to each machine in order to highlight features and special functions.

“Nothing is more instructive for customers than to watch the machines in operation on site.” said Michael McCusker, President of Modern Tech Equipment, emphasizing the value of such a demo event. “It gives them a chance to ask questions, connect with product experts and interact with their industry peers. We really enjoy partnering with Ecoverse at these events and we’re already looking forward to the next one.”