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The A1 Organics recycling company from Colorado/USA recycle about 425,000 tons of organic material per year to create compost, soil blends or mulch. The high product quality is also based on the quality of the Doppstadt machines used.

Headquartered in Eaton, Colorado and family-owned and operated since 1974, A1 Organics recycles biowaste from local municipalities, homeowners and businesses. A long time, in which the company did not only grow continuously, but also gained a lot of experience. The most important one: quality pays off. Therefore US partner Ecoverse is the supplier of choice and A1 relies on Doppstadt machines.

The first step of the composting process begins with a DW3060K slow speed shredder, which ensures a very high sorting and shredding efficiency and significant fuel savings even at highest capacity utilization rates. “Especially for the first steps, the DW3060K is ideally suited “, A1 Vice President and COO Kent Pendley confirms. For the next processing steps, the company trusts three SM726 trommels. Pendley especially likes the easy handling. “Our team can change a drum in 12 minutes,“ said Pendley. To be able to bring multiple high-quality finished products to market, this ensures a real competitive advantage. Pendley: “The other supplier’s comparable machines have a very labour-intensive process to change drums. Ecoverse introduced us to the Doppstadt machines and we were quickly convinced.“

His conclusion is therefore clear: “Every brand has its advantages. But the quality of the machines, the spare parts and of course the service Ecoverse provides are unbeatable overall.”